Space Planning and Management

Space Planning and Management (6 ECTS)

MQF Level 5

Date – TBC
Duration – 30 hours
Accredited – Yes
Price – Price (Local/EU) – Euro 500 / (Non-EU) – Euro 600

Module Description

This module allows learners to appreciate the role that space planning, allocation, and management plays in facilities management. Learners shall therefore be exposed to the role that facilities manager plays in the overall successful space management and allocation within organisations, and the characteristics that must be taken into consideration to ensure effective space management.


Entry Requirements

Students should be at least 18 years+ and in possession of a minimum MQF Level 5 Undergraduate Diploma in Facilities Management


Be in possession of one of the following:

  • (a) Grade 5 in English (Matsec Certificate)
  • IELTs 6.0
  • Or an equivalent qualification.



This course is targeted at:

  • individuals aspiring to work as a managers related to facilities management
  • individuals who wish to advance their education and gain in depth knowledge and skills related to facilities management
  • individuals already working in the field related to facilities management and would like to obtain qualification in this sector. 


Learning Outcomes

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the responsibility and autonomy to:

  • Create a strategy for effective space allocation in businesses as part of facilities management
  • Comply with the pre-determined budget when preparing for effective us of space within organisations 
  • Advise team members as well as clients on the changes or plans for effective space allocation and management 
  • Create feasibility analysis prior to the initiation of a space management project

At the end of the module/unit the learner will have acquired the following skills: 

  • Plan for space allocation effectively focusing on space efficiency, environmental impact, access/exit routes, use of resources, costs, time and other factors
  • Use space effectively taking into consideration the structure and layout of the building 
  • Prepare space allocation and management briefs for team which are clear and understandable as well as to meet client’s requirements
  • Plan for and implement changes in layouts and in space according to the requirements of the project
  • Use information technology equipment and tools to enhance and automate certain planning and space allocation activities



This module shall be assessed through the use of an assignment whereby learners are asked to answer a question, not exceeding 1500 – 2000 words (100%). Learners must obtain a minimum of 50% of the total mark in order to successfully pass from the module. In the case that learners do not pass on the first try, learners can re-sit the assessment. In the case of recurring failure, learners shall be asked to re-do the module.



Intake dates


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